Saturday, July 18, 2009

The gang up.

The love Toinks has for this city of Delhi is obvious. Rarely would an occassion go when the language, the heat, the lack of proximity to sea, that 'sitaphal' is both a vegetable and a fruit would be made fun of with her marathi friends. Today was no different. Its as funny as 'peru' being marathi for guava, in bumbaiya 'baaju' doesn't mean the arm but means 'next to'. Nuances of respectful languages I say.

1 comment:

Tinky Toinkers said...

:)agreed. all languages have their eccentricities.
but still .. who in their right minds would call pumpkin sitaphal?
and why are you, a up wala so miffed with dilli being laughed at? huh huh??