Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Gyan session on ISMS

Today, at the insistence of a friend, I went over to her office to present on Information Security and ISMS standards. I'm elated that I could spread the word on info-sec to a few more in a session that lasted 4 hours. The Pizza and burgers were thrown in complimentary (burp). I hope her management is convinced and would pursue their path to implemnting an ISMS. (Information Security Management System)

Coming to think of it, I havn't toiled hard in making a ppt for a long long time. It took me many many hours to bring up that 87 odd slide deck. Majority of which is done from scratch, a few taken from Internet, converting data to graphs and identifying key aspects to "sell the concept" I-S was quite satisfyine. It was after half a decade that I was cheerfully typing (not codes but just text) and enjoying the effort. And hey I do remember some music in the background... I also realised that of late I haven't been doing a readup on statistics on incidents and the likes. I was also struggling to catchup with typing the contents with my fast running "must-have" thoughts. I enjoyed staying up for last two nights preparing the deck and today delivering it. Thats what matters. I also can claim CPE's for the certification I maintain. Yay. And I know I neglected some family time.

PS: would make the uneditable version available here soon