Friday, October 17, 2008

What do I write about?

I was never good at reading
I was never good at writing
I was never good at doing the same thing again and again
I was never good at waiting beyond 5 mins of agreed time
I was never good with being struck at the same place (changed 5 jobs in 8 years)
I was never good to the guitar lessons ( I learnt just 3 when in 8th grade and haven't gone any yet)
I was never good at communication (I keep telling Toinka I'm an Introvert baba)
I was never good with history
I was never good at remembering conversations (who said what)
I was never good at remembering the star cast or the dialogues of any movie
I was never good at memorizing the songs [ i sing my own lyrics and do it well ;-) ]
I was never good at taking household decisions on my own (it had to be the other elders in the family)
I was never good at being possessive
I was never good at shopping
I was nevr good at bossing around
I think I never will be....
I still hugely love some 3-4 ladies on my life
I still love to be myself
I still love to do different things
I still love to do the same task differently
I still love my work and profession
I still love my parents and family
I still miss my friends
I still don't know what to blog about regularly ..........


Anonymous said...

:) who said you don't write??

~ ॐ ~ said...

Interesting post this be :)